Little Thinkers Health and Safety Protocol 2022 – 2023
Little Thinkers Health and Safety Protocol 2022 – 2023
Sep 28th, 2022

Teachers and Staff

All teachers and staff follow the health and safety regulations mandated by the government. Prior to the start of the new school year, all teachers and staff, including the security and cleaning service personnel, have been vaccinated and periodically get tested for the COVID-19 to ensure that all personnel in school is COVID-19 negative.


Health and Safety

Prior to the opening of the school, the entire school is disinfected to achieve high-level environmental sanitation and make the school clean and safe. Area of students includes all materials used, are sanitized and disinfected on a regular basis, and it has been our practice ever since.  

The School prepares posters for Covid-19 prevention through installed in strategic places in the school environment

The School has appointed COVID-19 Task Force that will ensure ensure the School readiness for reopening of the school and implementation of the health and safety procedures



Only students, teachers, staff, and limited parents/caretakers are allowed in school. Visitors are not allowed on the school premises without prior appointments.


It has been our practice to check the temperature of the students on a daily basis. The temperature checking will be applied to everyone coming to school. Anyone whose temperature above 370C will be denied access or isolated to be rechecked.

  • Students that register a temperature above 370C a second time will have their parents notified and will be sent home in accordance with our standing policy on sending sick student home.

  • Teachers and staff that that register a temperature above 370C a second time will be sent home and required to consult with medical professionals for further advice with regard to their symptoms. See Appendix 2 regarding those demonstrating symptoms of COVID-19.

  • Parents or any visitors who have a temperature above 370C will not be allowed on campus.

  • Once a person is identified as having a temperature over 370C, there will be no exceptions to this school access policy.

Other measures upon entering the School

  • Shoe sole disinfecting

  • Disinfection body steaming

  • Using hand sanitizer


  • Parents must be in the line with intervals one and a half meters when picking up the children and in turn.

  • Our regular after school hours’ sanitization and cleaning procedure will be maintained and closely monitored.

  • Students, teachers and staff should change uniforms on a daily basis.


We are upgrading our Cleaning and Disinfection Standard Operating Procedures (SOP). In general, the sanitizing of classrooms is undertaken to remove germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces and objects.

  • In general, the sanitizing of classrooms is undertaken to remove germs, dirt, and impurities from surfaces and objects. The usage of disinfectant (Dettol) and water lowers the risk of spreading infection. This is conducted daily after school of surfaces and objects that are touched often, such as desk, countertops, doorknobs, hands-on learning items, faucet handles, and toys.

  • Since the start of the COVID-19 issue, we have put additional chemicals for antiviral disinfectant (Alcohol 70%) to intensify the cleaning and disinfection procedures. It can further lower the risk of spreading infection. 

  • There are procedures in place to avoid cross-contamination. Cleaning materials are not used between different sites. 

  • Toilets are cleaned after individual use and disinfected at least 3 times a day.

  • UV lamps for sterilization is used in each room after school hours.


Expectations for Students

  • Students enter the building without parents

  • Students must wash hands or use hand sanitizer upon entering the school

  • Students must adhere to the one-and-a-half-meter rule.

Expectations for Parents

  • Only essential personnel are permitted at school. Parents may not enter the building.

  • Parents drop off their children outside the building.

  • Parents are to be punctual in picking up their children.


All school materials stay at school; no home materials are brought to school. Students cannot bring personal toys to school.

Teachers will maintain the sanitizing of the classroom and materials. Teachers will have cleaning equipment for individual manipulative use.


  • All students would eat snacks and lunch at their designated spot in the classroom.

  • All students wash their hands before eating a snack or lunch.

  • Disinfectant and paper towels are provided to thoroughly clean the tables after students have eaten.


Sick Students

  • Student who shows any signs of illness may not attend school.

  • Student who shows sign of illness or has a temperature of 370C or higher will be sent home from school. An administration staff or teacher will call the parent to arrange the immediate pick up of the sick child.

  • During waiting for the pick-up, the child will be isolated in one room, supervised by staff or teacher.

Cleanliness in the Building

  • Hand sanitizer will be placed inside each classroom and in the lobby.

  • Banisters, door handles, light switches, etc. will be sanitized on a continuous basis throughout the day.

  • Toilets and sinks will be sanitized after each use.

Classroom and Materials

  • Manipulatives and toys that are needed in learning, must be able to be cleaned throughout the days and sterilized daily.

  • All toys must be cleaned throughout the days and sterilized after school hours.  If they cannot be washed, they must be pack away. Students’ personal toys must stay at home. All items are not to be shared during the learning process and will be wiped before and after use.


When the needs arise, Little Thinkers will conduct Virtual School.

Virtual School is still an option for students with terms and conditions applied. Online classes are not options for students are absent due to sickness or family matter. 

The protocols outlined will be revisited at least monthly for the remainder of the school year.



All Little Thinkers community members have an obligation for the health and safety of all members to report any positive COVID-19 test results and will be handled in the manner detailed below:

  • Individuals who test positive should inform Little Thinkers via phone or email and the information will be forwarded immediately to the Head of Schools

  • The report should include information regarding staff/teacher/student/family member name, date of testing, any symptoms experienced, and contacts within Little Thinkers community who have not yet been informed of the possible COVID-19 exposure.

  • Healthcare should be sought.

  • Prior return to school, teachers/staff, or students who recover from COVID-19 isolation must present their negative PCR test results to HR or students to the Principal.

A ‘pandemic clean’ is essential if a site has had a confirmed case of COVID-19. A confirmed case of COVID-19 clean should take around three times as long as a regular clean, therefore the School will be closed for a minimum of three days.

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