What Will Happen in Little Thinkers in April 2023?
What Will Happen in Little Thinkers in April 2023?
Mar 28th, 2023

Dear Parents, 

Welcome to Term 4, the last term of the academic year! The students will be busy this term. They will have STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) activities following the weekly theme and have their  STEAM Project Presentation at the end of the term.

April is going to end in the blink of an eye but it is full of fun activities. K2 photo sessions will happen this month. The photo sessions for K2 students will include class photos, individual photos and family photos. Toddler to Kindergarten 1 students will have their class photo sessions in May 2023. Kartini Day will be celebrated on 18 April 2023, right before the Eid Al Fitr Holiday.  The details of the event and schedules will be informed later. 

Should you have any concerns or queries about your child and the school, please feel free to set an appointment with administration I would be more than happy to attend to you.

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