Understanding When and Why Sick Kids Should Stay at Home
Understanding When and Why Sick Kids Should Stay at Home
Oct 9th, 2023

Keeping sick kids home from school or other activities is important for several reasons. It helps protect the health of the child, prevent the spread of illness to others, and allows the child to rest and recover properly. Here are some guidelines on when and why sick kids should stay home:

  • Children with contagious illness, such as the flu, colds, strep throat, chickenpox, and covid-19, should stay home until they are no longer contagious. This helps prevent the spread of the illness to other children and staff. 
  • A child with a fever (typically defined as a temperature of 38o C or higher) should stay home until they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications like acetaminophen or ibuprofen. This helps ensure they are no longer contagious and are on the path to recovery. 
  • Children who have vomited or had diarrhea should stay home until they have not experienced these symptoms for at least 24 hours. These symptoms can be signs of a contagious stomach virus. 
  • If a child has a severe cough that disrupts their ability to participate in normal activities or has excessive nasal discharge that is difficult to manage, it may be best to keep them home until their symptoms improve. 

Always follow the guidance of your child’s healthcare provider. If they recommend keeping your child home due to illness, it’s essential to follow their advice. Consider your child’s overall well-being. If they are feeling unwell, not able to concentrate, or experiencing discomfort, it’s best to keep them home to rest and recover. 

It is essential to teach them good hygiene practices, such as proper handwashing and coughing or sneezing into their elbows, to help prevent the spread of illness in school and community setting. Consult with a healthcare provider for specific guidance on your child’s illness and when they can safely return to school or activities. 

Taken from various resources

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